In March of 1995, I launched my first website, It was for a new venture that where centered around the images I first discovered from the Hubble Telescope.  I was blown away that I ended up one morning and discovered that this new  medium that people were talking about (the internet) worked.   I’m worked to a very small segment of our population, and that’s what blew me away mostly.  I asked if this is what is happening g now what  the future unfold?  It’s been 26 years since I asked myself that question, and the answers is so self evident that its needs no more explanation.  

While the Hubble image website was successful, it’s business cycle had ended, but not the internets.  As I had thought, however, the business cycle of internet applications started a trend that has changed the way we live out lives today.  It only took a matter of time for the popularity of this new Communication Medium to take a foot hold on each of us.  As I watched the impact of this medium unfold, I was thrilled to be a part of it.  The creativity and imagination that are part on my personal strengths that assisted my customers to benefit from.  I’ve witnessed disbelievers become online merchants who’ve generated hundreds of thousands of dollars in revenues, and I’ve seen lots of failures by those who never realized that online business requires a commitment to managing this side of your business and the web designer is merely equipped to provide you with the engine to create a new profit center.  What I’ve discovered is that in order to understand a success path for any business, you must understand that there is no one size fits all solution.  The solutions lie first in understanding of what a client requires, and what support, skill sets and clear objectives they have in mind.

My experience in this industry is broad. Website design today requires a far reaching understanding of the protocols, trends, mobile technology, live/on- video, marketing strategies, and a host of development tools that are expansive as a part of the AWS Partner Network,  and a team skilled technologists, places my team eminently qualified to provide you with the right advise.  This advice has only one objective and that is to provide to my clients a thoroughly transparent evaluation and recommendations to serve you best.

Steve Lipman